Have you ever opened your mouth to speak and your voice didn’t come out properly? In this post, I share an experience that reinforced an important lesson I learned as a performer that we all need to remember in business.
5 Ways You Are Unknowingly Killing Your Credibility
4 Speakers, 4 Countries, 4 Public Speaking Lessons
7 Vocal Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Presentation
What does your voice say about you? Whether you like it or not, people will make judgements about you based on your voice. They’ll make assumptions about where you’re from, how well educated you are or how confident you are. Regardless of the words you speak, your voice will impact on how engaging a speech or presentation is for your audience and how well your message is received.
3 Areas Most Presenters Forget To Prepare and Why You Should Make Them a Priority
Regardless of whether you worry like crazy when asked to do a presentation or see it as a great opportunity to share your knowledge or passion, you will probably have a certain way of preparing what you're going to say.
And whilst what you say is fundamental, how you say it is equally, if not more important. In order to bring your words to life and ensure they have the most impact, you need to prime the elements that communicate the words – your body, your voice and your mind.
5 Ways to Energise Your Presentation
If you think about speakers who really connect and truly engage an audience, there’s a good chance it will be those who bring an authentic energy, enthusiasm and excitement to their presentations. These qualities are infectious and they enable speakers to bring their audience on a journey with them. But how do you inject energy into your presentation? Here are five ways to infuse your talk with a liveliness that will have your audience captivated...