
If Goal Setting Doesn’t Work, Try This

If Goal Setting Doesn’t Work, Try This

At the beginning of the year there are hundreds of blog posts and articles from all sorts of people telling you how to set and achieve your goals. And hundreds of other articles outlining all sorts of reasons why you’re unlikely to achieve your new year’s resolutions. So in this post I share my alternative approach to goal setting...

Feeling the Fear and Making A Difference To Last Year

Feeling the Fear and Making A Difference To Last Year

We are now three weeks into January and I wonder how you’re getting on with your plans for the coming year. How is this year going to be different to the past? Have you made plans? Are you moving forward with them? Or are you letting fear hold you back? This is a guest blog post by Philippa Linane of Decision Happy, whose work is based on the best-selling book ‘Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway’ by Susan Jeffers. Philippa’s post will provide you with food for thought and some techniques for feeling the fear and making a difference to last year...