
Business Storytelling: Lessons from a Master

Business Storytelling: Lessons from a Master

One of the biggest buzzwords in business at the moment is ‘storytelling’. And for good reason. Stories make us think, and more importantly they make us feel. And they help us remember ideas and concepts far more effectively than facts and figures. I was privileged to have the opportunity recently to see well known Scottish businessman, Bob Keiller, delivering a Business Storytelling workshop and in this post I share his tips.

Why Other People Are the Key to Your Success

Why Other People Are the Key to Your Success

Jim Rohn is quoted as saying, ‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.' If you want to change your situation, you need to change the people you spend time with. Here's how being in a mastermind group will contribute to your success...

How to Ensure Your Pitch Strikes the Right Note

How to Ensure Your Pitch Strikes the Right Note

I have developed a simple formula for what I like to call a 'pitchtastic' pitch. It can be applied to any type of pitch from a 30 second elevator pitch that you might deliver at a networking event right through to pitching for millions of pounds worth of investment. This post looks at each element of the formula individually...

10 Tips for an Attention Grabbing Networking Pitch

10 Tips for an Attention Grabbing Networking Pitch

At many networking events you have just 40 to 60 seconds to grab people’s attention and tell them about you and your business. So, how can you deliver an attention grabbing pitch that makes everyone in the room sit up and take notice whether you are the first or the fifteenth person to speak? Here are some ideas...