Why Other People Are the Key to Your Success

I have recently formed a mastermind group with some other professional speakers for whom I have immense admiration and respect. We are all at similar stages in our professional speaking journey and it’s exciting to think that we will be able to support and inspire each other to reach our goals.

It has been an aspiration of mine for quite some time to set up a mastermind group to focus specifically on speaking. But it has taken a while because I knew how crucial it was to get the right people involved.

Jim Rohn is quoted as saying, ‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with’ meaning that if you hang around with negative people who have no motivation to achieve anything in their lives, it is likely that you will find yourself in a similar state. If you want to change that situation, you need to change the people you spend time with so that you surround yourself with positive, motivated, driven people who are committed achieving their goals.

Ever since I went into business the message has been clear: surrounding yourself with the right support is the key to your success. And I think this is true in life as well as business.

I am involved in another supportive group and we meet on a semi-regular basis. We are all quite different in our outlook but we have a common aim to move forward in our lives and achieve our goals. Unlike my speaker mastermind group, this group focuses on all areas of our lives – health and wellbeing, career/business, fitness, finance, relationships, social life, fun, soul nurturing, personal development and home life. We get together to share our plans, to challenge each other, to motivate each other and to support and encourage each other. It’s a great opportunity to get different perspectives and ideas on the challenges we face. And we celebrate together when we achieve the milestones we have set for ourselves. In this way, we are able to refocus on what we are achieving. I can’t tell you how often I look at my massive ‘To Do’ list and feel overwhelmed; however, when I take a moment to look at my ‘Ta Da’ list I realise how much I am achieving and moving forward in my life and business. Sometimes it is not until I meet with this wonderfully supportive group that I take the time to reflect on my ‘Ta Da’ list. It’s also lovely to have someone else remind me of how challenging something may have been and congratulate me on the great job I did in achieving it (something I wouldn’t necessarily consider myself!)

My parents had the same idea as Jim Rohn when they warned me as a teenager not to get in with the ‘wrong’ crowd. As two of my biggest supporters, they are delighted that I have always chosen to surround myself with people who have my best interests at heart and help me grow both personally and professionally. Outside of the two groups mentioned above there are numerous other mentors, coaches, advisers and friends who also provide support and a useful sounding board as I continue my journey in life and business. Despite the fact that I am fiercely independent and I have always been incredibly reluctant to ask for help, I know that people love the opportunity to offer support and every day I am grateful for the individuals around me who continue to guide me and encourage me to stretch myself and be the best I can be.

Who do you surround yourself with? Are they on your side, are they your cheerleaders, your biggest supporters? Do they believe in you, inspire you, motivate you, challenge you, encourage you and celebrate your successes with you? Or do they make you feel insignificant, unsupported and uninspired to live your full potential? Sometimes it may not seem like it, but you do have a choice - choose your cheerleaders wisely and you will have a much better chance of achieving the life of your dreams.

If you enjoyed this article, click here to access Mel Sherwood’s ‘Top 5 Tips for Public Speaking Success’

Mel Sherwood is a pitch and presentation specialist who prepares ambitious entrepreneurs and business professionals to take centre stage, embrace the spotlight and present with more confidence, credibility and conviction.

Mel's book 'The Authority Guide to Pitching Your Business - how to make an impact and be remembered... in under a minute!' is available on Amazon. To find out more go to www.melsherwood.com or follow Mel on Twitter @MelSherwood_